Archibald MacDonald
Colonial administrator, author, fur trader, justice of the peace,
and surveyor
Tom Thomson
The story of a man who looked for beauty and for truth in the
Wilderness by Blodwen Davies, forewood by A. Y Jackson, R.C.A.,
Sketches by Arthur Lismer, R.C.A. (1967) (pdf)
The Beaver Magazine
Volume 4
No. 2
Arctic Trader
The account of twenty years with the Hudson's Bay Company By Philip
H. Godsell, F.R.G.S., Former Field Officer Hudson’s Bay Company.
(1934) (pdf)
The Anglo-American Magazine
Published in Toronto from
1852 to 1855 and also Art & Literature in Canada.
World's Work
Added volume 4
Dominion of
Canada With Newfoundland and an Excursion to Alaska
Handbook for Travellers by Karl Baedeker (1900) (pdf)
Thoughts on a Sunday Morning - the 19th day of January 2025 -
By the Rev. Nola Crewe
The Beaver Magazine
Volume 4
No. 1
France and
England in North America
A Series of historical narratives by Francis Parkman, Author of
"History of the conspiracy of Pontiac", "The Oregon Trail", etc.
Le Massacre au
Fort George
La Mémoire de Montcalm Vengée recueillis par J. M. LeMoine, Ecr
(1864) (pdf)
Notes on the
History of Fort George
During the Colonial and Revolutionary periods with Contemporaneous
Documents and an Appendix by By B. F. DeCosta (1871) (pdf)
World's Work
Added volume 3 in pdf format. The first article "March of Events" is
about the first month of President Roosevelt's term and I was struck
with the similarities with President Trump as it talks about
security and doing good for the American people.
Learning as I go in northern Canada, N. W. T. Living off-grid.
Thoughts on a Sunday Morning - the 12th day of January 2025 -
By the Rev. Nola Crewe
My Canadian
Added my journal for September to December 2024. Have also made a
start on the January 2025 journal which will be work in progress.
The Beaver Magazine
3 No. 12
World's Work
(1900–1932) was a monthly magazine that covered national
affairs from a pro-business point of view. I have found the first 10
volumes of this work and have added volumes 1 & 2 to the page. I am
sorry to say that volume 1 is a very poor scan.
Emigrant's Pocket Companion
Containing what emigration is, who should be emigrants, where
emigrants should go; a description of British North America,
especially the Canadas; and full instructions to intending emigrants
by Robert Mudie (1832) (pdf)
to the Canadas (pdf)
The Railway Clauses
Consolidation Acts of Canada
14 & 15 Victoria, Chapter 51, And 16 Victoria, Chapter 169, with an
alphabetical and analytical index by Alexander Morris. M. A.,
Barrister-at-Law, Montreal (1853) (pdf)
Thoughts on a Sunday Morning - the 5th of January 2024 - Resolutions
By the Rev. Nola Crewe
Alicia Walsh
I enjoy experimenting with alternative ways of living and thinking.
I want to inspire you to challenge yourself, to dream bigger, and
pursue your passions. To live your life in a way that fulfills and
enriches your spirit. Being outside provides benefits beyond measure
for our health and well being. I feel that the modern world has led
us to great disconnections with our families, with ourselves, and
the earth. I hope to change this cycle through sharing stories of my
outdoor explorations and adventures. My most recent endeavour
includes bringing you along for the wild journey of building an
off-grid homestead in the Boreal Forest bordering Central and
Western Newfoundland. I am a Mom and a creative. I am also a 200Hr
Certified Yoga Teacher, and Veterinary Technician.
The Beaver Magazine
Volume 3
No. 11
Pioneering with
An Autobiography by Oliver Darwin (1949) (pdf)
Canadian Experience
Report for October to December 2024
Thoughts on a Sunday Morning - the 29th of December 2024 Alpha &
By the Rev. Nola Crewe
The Beaver Magazine
Volume 3 No.
(pdf) |