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What's New on Electric Canadian
Here I'm listing anything new added to the site over the past month

New Ontario. The New Northwest. The Colonization and Immigration Movement in Algoma. An Appeal to the Press. (pdf)

By Lake and Forest
The Story of Algoma by Frances Awdry, Author of “The Isles of the Sea” and Eda Green with a Preface by the Lord Bishop of St. Albans, New and Revised Edition (1909) (pdf)

See also our page on Algoma

Canada, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and the other Provinces in North America
With a plan of National Colonization by James S. Buckingham (1843) (pdf)

Farm and Ranch Review
Western Canada’s Pioneer Agricultural Magazine, Founded in 1905 by Charles W. Peterson

Humours of ’37
Grave, Gay and Grim, Rebellion times in the Canadas by Robina and Kathleen MacFarlane Lizars, Authors of “In the Days of the Canada Company: the Story of the settlement of the Huron Tract" (1897) (pdf)

Thoughts on a Sunday Morning - the 21st of July 2024 - Excessive Sensitivity
By the Rev. Nola Crewe

The Kilties
(Under Royal Patronage) Souvenir Album (pdf)

The Beaver Magazine
Added Volume 1 No. 3 (1920) (pdf)

Five Years Residence in the Canadas
Including a Tour through part of the United States of America in the Year 1823 by Edward Allen Talbot, Esq., of the Talbot Settlement, Upper Canada in two volumes (1824)

The Canadian Inspector No. 1
Containing a collection of facts concerning the Government of Sir George Prevost in the Canadas (1815) (pdf)

The Canadas in 1841
By Sir Richard H. Bonnycastle, Lieutenant-colonel royal engineers, and Lieutenant-colonel in the Militia of Upper Canada in two volumes (1842)

Thoughts on a Sunday Morning - the 14th day of July 2024 - Satisfaction & Contentment
By the Rev. Nola Crewe

The Beaver Magazine
Added Volume 1 No. 2 (1920) (pdf)

The Canadian Annual Review of Public Affairs
Added the 1937-38 edition

Canada's Part in the Great War
Issued by the Department of Public Information, Ottawa (1919) (pdf)

The Canals of Canada
An historic and modern view of the canals of Canada

Royal Military College of Canada
Added the June, 1956 edition

The Emigrant's Pocket Companion
Containing what emigration is, who should be emigrants, where emigrants should go; a description of British North America, especially the Canadas; and full instructions to intending emigrants by Robert Mudie (1832)

The Canadas
Comprehending topographical information concerning the quality of the land in different districts and the fullest general information for the use of emigrants and capitalists compiled from origional documents furnished by John Galt, Esq., late of the Canada Company, and of the British American Land Association (second edition) (1836) (pdf)

Thoughts on a Sunday Morning - the 7th day of July 2024 - Considering Tomorrow
By the Rev. Nola Crewe

The Beaver Magazine
Added Volume 1 No. 1 (1920) (pdf)

A Pedestrian Tour
Of Two Thousand Three Hundred Miles, in North America to the Lakes, The Canadas, And the New-England States performed in the Autumn of 1821 by P. Stansbury (pdf)

The Canadian Annual Review of Public Affairs
Added the 1935-36 edition

Anti-Gallic Letters
Addressed to His Excellency, The Earl of Gosford, Governor-in-Chief of the Canadas by Camillus (1836) (pdf)

Review of the Pastoral Letter of the Clergy
Of the Church of Scotland in the Canadas (1828) (pdf)

Art & War - Canadian War Memorials
A selection of the works executed for the Canadian War Memorials Fund to form a record of Canada's Part in the Great War and a Memorial to those Canadians who have made the Great Sacrifice. With an article "On War Memorials" by P. G. Konody (1919) (pdf)

Royal Military College of Canada
Added the June, 1955 edition

Canada Day celebrations in Ottawa – July 1, 2024

For King & Country: Newfoundland's Sacrifice
Added three videos to the foot of our Newfoundland page.

Thoughts on a Sunday Morning - 2024 June 30 - Canada Day
By the Rev. Nola Crewe

Travels Through the Canadas
Containg a description of the picturesque scenery on some of the rivers and lands with an account of the productions, commernce,and inhabitants of those Provinces to which is subjoined a comparitive view of the manners and customs of several of the Indian nations of north and south America by George Heriot, Deputy Post Master of British North America (1807)

The Canadian Annual Review of Public Affairs
Added the 1934 edition

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