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My Canadian Experience
Report for February to April 2024

Got an assessment of what I might do to make my home more energy efficient and here are the results...

Homeowner Information Sheet
Renovation Upgrade Report

Got the work done on heat pump and attic insulation and see invoice for costs to do this work. I am due to hear what grants I will receive in May. Through Handy Bros the bill can be paid over 10 years at 0% interest.

Also I got a reduction in my energy bill of $68.00 a month....

Every little helps.

I am on new medication now with an injectable medication called OZEMPIC.  I had a meeting with my diabetic nurse, Heather, who explained that I no longer needed to take the short acting insulin and was able to drop my long acting insulin to 40mg a day.  In the first 4 weeks I take this new product once weekly at 0.25mg and in the fifth week I move this to 0.50mg a week which will likely stay at that rate for the rest of my life. I was also told that I may need to reduce my long acting insulin by 4 units or more depending on how things work out. This new medication also helps with weight loss and indeed I have reduced my weight by 6 pounds in the last 4 weeks.  It also has some benefits with blood pressure and kidneys.

I now drink 1ltr of water per day and am now taking 5mg blood pressure tablet once a day instead of the 20mg I used to take.  I have had to take my blood pressure every few days and note since adding back the blood pressure pill to 5mg that my blood pressure is now fine as you can see below...

Here is my blood pressure record...

Date        Blood Pres  Time  
               / Pulse

27/11/23 173/90/80 15:30
30/11/23 168/86/69 15:15
11/12/23 166/84/68 11:37
19/12/23 133/65/72 13;20
27/12/23 163/73/09 20:11
02/01/24 160/69/83 12:20
11/01/24 172/72/84 19:50
17/01/24 148/59/67 12:24
23/01/24 131/66/65 11:05
26/01/24 147/77/76 15:05
29/01/24 154/80/69 14:54
06/02/24 151/84/68 14:35
07/02/24 150/66/72 12:48 Added 5mg Ramipril
13/02/24 131/63/67 10:08
16/02/24 140/68/66 15:55
22/02/24 130/69/70 14:34
23/02/24 129/68/69 13:57
24/02/24 120/59/68 11:14
25/02/24 129 64/65 13:34
26/02/24 134/67/69 14:12
02/03/24 130/73/66 12:19
05/03/24 122/71/61 08:52
14/03/24 104/62/89 14:23
18/03/24 128/68/68 11:20
19/03/24 129/68/78 18:57
23/03/24 131/63/70 12:56
25/03/24 125/63/66 14:50
31/03/24 124/63/68 13:31
02/04/24 111/67/72 10:21
07/04/24 116/65/67 12:10
13/04/24 132/69/74 11:08
15/04/24 111/63/78 14:29
19/04/24 134/66/71 13:06
02/05/24 119/62/69 09:14

I now go to the Anjema Eye Institute every 7 weeks to get an injection in my good eye to preserve my sight.  I've been doing this for the past year or so and so far no issues.  I was going every six weeks and they tried eight weeks but 7 weeks seems to be the sweet spot. 

In April I got my second ever parking ticket in Chatham for $15. Just popped into the bank to get some cash to pay for lawn mowing as it's that time of year. 

On the International front the Ukraine/Russia and Hamas/Israel wars are continuing with Iran now launching rockets and drones at Israel on 14th April.

Donald Trump is ahead in the polls in the USA and Labour is leading in the polls in the UK.  The SNP are losing ground in Scotland and looks possible that Labour might take overall control at the next election. The SNP First Minster announced his resignation. The Conservatives in Canada look to be a certainty to win the next election.

Brexit seems to be working out OK in the UK although there is continuing false reporting on that.

Likewise in Canada it looks like the Conservative party might well win an overall majority in the next election. They are campaigning on axing the carbon energy tax, building more homes, being harder on criminals and promoting our energy industry by building more nuclear plants, hydro and also the making of LPG for export.

Weather here in Chatham has been mild with hardly any snow over the winter/spring season and really quite mild weather on the whole.

I got a quarter lamb from Ewing Family Farm in Tupperville Ontario which was delivered by Rod, the farmer himself.

You can email them at and visit their web site at:

My local handyman, Doug, did the first lawn mow of the year and in the process he discovered my back door was of its hinges and my internal door was also unlocked meaning anyone could have just walked in. Very disturbing to say the least.  Doug has now fixed the door and I've insured that the inside door is locked. I can only assume that Handybros were the culprits for not locking the inside door as they were the last people to use it.

I might add that my neighbours were not best pleased to see Doug mow my lawn as it reminded them it was that time of year again which meant they too had to mow their lawns <grin>  Last year Doug planted lots of new flowers and this year I've been enjoying the Tulips with their range of colours.  Lots of other flowers showing as well. 

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