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The United Empire Loyalist Settlement at Long Point, Lake Erie
Chapter LXII. Wilson

Jacob and Joseph Wilson were brothers. On the outbreak of hostilities they each joined the British, and were enrolled in the New Jersey volunteers. Jacob was made a sergeant in one company. Joseph was a private in Barton’s division.

After the war they settled first in the Niagara District, but in the early years of the century removed to the Township of Windham. Their children received the following grants of land:

“Philip, son of Jacob Wilson, two hundred acres, 23rd March, 1811, in Windham.

“Mary, daughter of Joseph Wilson, wife of Michael Cairo, two hundred acres in Windham, 26th March, 1811.

“Elizabeth, daughter of Joseph Wilson, wife of John Van Atter, two hundred acres in Windham, 25th February, 1812.”

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