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History of Nova Scotia
An overview with links to major works on the Province

THERE are already two historical works on Nova Scotia one by Thomas C. Haliburton, and the other by Beamish Murdoch, both natives of the Province; the former an author of unquestionable genius, and the latter one who bequeaths to his country a work containing, in three volumes, a body of facts, in chronological order, which will continue to be consulted in coming generations as a valuable literary deposit. The interesting narrative of Haliburton closes with the year 1763 embracing only two hundred and forty-two pages the latter part of his first volume consisting of a chronological table of events, extending from 1763 to 1828, and his second volume being devoted to a Statistical account of the Province. Mr. Murdoch's history, so far as published, comes down to the year 1828.

The above was written by Duncan Campbell in his book and serves to show the major histories of Nova Scotia and so below I have provided links to download these books. They are in publication date order.

1. An Historical and Statistical Account of Nova Scotia in
2 volumes by Thomas C. Haliburton

Volume 1  |  Volume 2

2. A History of Nova Scotia or Acadia in
3 volumes by Beamish Murdoch

Volume 1  |  Volume 2  |  Volume 3

3. Nova Scotia in its Historical, Mercantile and Industrial Relations by Duncan Campbell

Single Volume

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