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Correspondance of an Emigrant
Letter, March 5th 1874

Dear Uncle,
We received your letter and portrait and were very sorry to hear that you were ill but I hope you are better now. We are all well just now and there has been a very mild winter in Canada. The snow is all away now and all the ice is of the creeks and rivers. There has been rain nearly every two weeks this winter. In this letter you will find the lightnesses of six of my family. In the one the largest is James, th eone on his right hand William, the one standing behind and between them is John, the one on William's right hand is Peter, the one behind and between then is Elizabeth, the one sitting on the table Robert. I have no more to say at present but that in the other likeness there is Elizabeth, Robert, my wife and I. The likenesses are all here except Alexander who was just one year old last 5th of February.

Mother has not been very well but she is getting better. Please write soon and when you write I would like you to send Elizabeth's likeness. We send our best respects to Agnes and her family and to Elizabeth.
Your affectionate nephew
John Good
John Good

James Brown died about two months ago. He has been about five years so helpless that he could not feed himself. His wife and his two children are well.

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