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I came to Canada in 2004 and started this site so I could learn more about Canada and the Canadians.  There is now a ton of information available for you to read and I believe it's a great place for prospective immigrants to learn about Canada and for people interested in visiting Canada as we also have lots of videos for you to enjoy. Of course anyone interested in Canadian history will also enjoy this site and we invite anyone with information to share it with us.

Alastair McIntyre, FSA Scot

In the event you don't know too much about Canada below you will find two good videos which will introduce you to the country be you a visitor or looking to emigrate.

Canada Travel Guide

A Documentary about Canada

Canada has recently amalgamated all the Government information onto one site at helps you find Government of Canada information and services on any device, including computers, tablets and smart phones.

There are many government departments and agencies, and it is sometimes difficult to know who does what. That is why is organized by topic and task.

The sections available on are...

General History
This section brings you the history of Canada as well as the history of all the Provinces and also includes histories of the ethnic groups found in Canada including the First Nations.
Makers of Canada
In this section you will learn of the really important people that helped to build Canada to what it is today. We will also bring you a section in here of other important Canadians as we find them.
Here we explore the process that the Pioneers went through to settle the land so you get a better understanding of the challenges they faced and how they overcame them.
Canadian Armed Forces
Here we will research the various Canadian regiments and what they did for Canada as well as the history of the RCMP.
Industry & Transport
In such a massive country transport links had to be developed which was a major undertaking and especially the Canadian Pacific Railway. We will also explore the various Industrial and Commercial sectors.
Here we explore how religion developed in Canada and the important work the churches and their ministers did to help build not only churches but schools as well.
This is where we bring you information on culture, sports, music, and if possible some travel information on Canada and their Provinces.
Videos of Canada
Watch outstanding videos about Canada from coast to coast to coast.
Canadian Content for Children
Mostly stores for children but adults may well enjoy them as well.
Canadian Curmudgeon

This is a column from a Canadian with good knowledge of politics and the Canadian way of life who will be anonymous but will from time to time post commentary on what is happening in Canada.
The First Nations
The Native Indians of Canada are profiled in this section mainly from antiquarian resources as most of the Indian tribes in Canada do not offer any free information.

Ottawa Canada 150 - Traditional First Nations Pow Wow Drum Music, Ceremony, and Full Regalia

My Canadian Experience
My own record of settling in Canada. The Dept. of Immigration of Ontario suggested that it would be interesting if I documented my experiences in coming to Canada and the progress I made towards getting Permanent Landed Status and then on to Citizenship.  I don't pretend this is an exciting read as there is a lot of mundane stuff but you might find it of interest and especially if you are thinking of settling in Canada.

And finally should you have information on any aspects of Canada and its people and way of life please feel free to contribute it to the site.

Commander Chris Hadfield Sings Space Oddity
A revised version of David Bowie's Space Oddity, recorded by Commander Chris Hadfield on board the International Space Station.









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