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The Canadian Settlers' Guide
Tenth Edition, considerable enlarged (1860)


This little work, compiled and written by one who has spent many years in this our nearest and most important Colony, which now presents to the agricultural classes unusual facilities for the acquisition of good land upon very easy terms of payment, and the almost certain prospect of success and early independence, is most respectfully dedicated.

London, October 15, 1860.


The value attached to this little work may be estimated in some degree by its having already reached a Tenth Edition.

The testimony borne to its worth and utility to actual and intending settlers, by persons so well entitled to give an opinion of its merits as William Hutton, Esq., Secretary to the Board of Agriculture and Statistics; Frederic Widder, Esq., Resident Commissioner of the Canada Company, and A. C. Buchanan, and A. B. Hawke, Esqrs., the Government Emigration-Agents at Quebec and Toronto, has doubtless given it an importance which it otherwise might not have attained.

The .matter in the first portion of the book is written by Mrs. Traill, after a residence of twenty-five years in the Colony, a considerable portion of which has been in those "Backwoods of Canada," so vivid and interesting a description of which she gave to the public through the medium of Knight’s Shilling Volumes.

The second part consists of official documents.

The third part consists of a republication of several letters, written from one friend in Canada to another in England, and are reprinted by request, but do not form any portion of the work which claims to be official, though it is believed to give correct information.

Much valuable official information will be found in the Appendix.

The growing interest felt in Canadian matters at home, and the prospect of an extensive Emigration to this Province in the approaching year, have caused a large demand for the work from Great Britain and other parts of Europe; and with a view therefore to make it more useful and acceptable, a very large and valuable addition has been made to it, selected from the works and " endorsed " by the opinions of some of the most eminent authorities in Canada.

These various documents comprise an amount of information, the result of actual experience, and bearing the stamp of official authority, upon which the utmost reliance may be placed; and they are published with a view to the instruction and guidance of Settlers of all classes who may contemplate a residence in this thriving Colony, whose onward progress exoeeds that of any other dependency of the British Crown.

The population of Canada is now estimated at nearly three millions, being an increase since 1851-2 of above thirty-three per cent.

The information given hereinafter is intended chiefly for the guidance of those who intend to settle upon land, the class most likely to succeed just now, if possessed of some little capital. A demand for labourers and mechanics would soon follow.

The Publisher has carefully abstained from giving any account of the Province more favourable than the one borne out by official returns as to fertility and climate.

London, October, 1860.

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