colonial administrator, author, fur trader, justice of the peace, and
surveyor; b. 3 Feb. 1790 in Glencoe, Scotland, son of Angus McDonald,
tacksman of Inverrigan, and Mary Rankin; m. first 1823, according to the
custom of the country, the princess Raven (Sunday) (d. 1824), daughter
of Chinook chief Comcomly, at Fort George (Astoria, Oreg.), with whom he
had one son, Ranald McDonald*; m. secondly 1825, also according to the
custom of the country, Jane Klyne, a mixed-blood woman with whom he had
twelve sons and one daughter; marriage confirmed by Christian rite 9
June 1835 in the Red River settlement (Man.); d. 15 Jan. 1853 in St
Andrews (Saint-André-Est), Lower Canada.
Archibald McDonald was enlisted in early 1812 by Lord Selkirk [Douglas*]
to serve as clerk and agent for the Red River settlement. In Scotland he
assisted in the recruitment of the second group of settlers, who sailed
in 1812. Originally designated to travel with this group, McDonald was
held back by Selkirk for training and in 1812–13 he studied medicine and
related subjects in London. In June 1813 he sailed from Stromness,
Scotland, with a group of 94 Kildonan emigrants on the Prince of Wales
for York Factory (Man.), as second in command to Dr Peter Laserre.
Typhus broke out during the voyage and Laserre, who was among those
infected, died on 16 August, leaving McDonald to take charge of the
party. The captain of the ship was anxious to be rid of his passengers
and landed them at Fort Churchill (Churchill, Man.), where they spent an
uncomfortable winter, poorly equipped and short of provisions. In the
spring McDonald led 51 of the settlers, most of them in their teens or
early 20s, on snow-shoes 150 miles south along the shore of Hudson Bay
to York Factory, a march of 13 days. They then travelled by boat up the
Hayes River to Lake Winnipeg and arrived at the settlement on 22 June.
The rest of the group reached Red River two months later.
Before his departure from Great Britain, McDonald had been appointed to
the Council of Assiniboia, a body created by Selkirk to aid the colony’s
governor, Miles Macdonell, and during the winter of 1814–15 he served as
one of Macdonell’s principal lieutenants. In the spring of 1815 Cuthbert
Grant and the Métis, encouraged by the North West Company, who were
opposed to the establishment of the Selkirk settlement, openly harassed
the colony, attacking the settlers and stealing livestock, until in June
they forced the abandonment of the colony. McDonald proceeded with a
group of the settlers to the north end of Lake Winnipeg where they were
joined by Colin Robertson, who took charge of the colonists and returned
to Red River to re-establish the colony later that summer. McDonald
returned to England to report on the fate of the settlement and while
there prepared an account of the events leading up to the abandonment of
the colony, which was published in London in 1816.
In the spring of 1816 McDonald joined Selkirk in Montreal. There he
wrote four letters, published in the Montreal Herald, in reply to the
Reverend John Strachan*, who had written A letter to the right
honourable the Earl of Selkirk, on his settlement at the Red River, near
Hudson’s Bay (London, 1816), highly critical of Selkirk and all those
associated with the colony. In August he was at Fort William (Thunder
Bay, Ont.) when Selkirk arrested several NWC partners, including William
McGillivray*, and seized the post. McDonald then returned to Montreal
and in the spring of 1817 took charge of the group of soldiers from the
disbanded De Meuron’s Regiment recruited by Lady Selkirk to reinforce
the troops Selkirk had taken west with him the year before. After
conducting this force to Fort William, McDonald turned back to Montreal
and sailed for England in the fall. In 1818 he returned to the Red River
settlement by way of York Factory to assist in the administration of the
colony. In February 1819 he was among those, with Selkirk, indicted on
charges of “conspiracy to ruin the trade of the North West Company”
arising out of the events at Fort William three years earlier, but after
many delays in the courts the charges were finally dropped.
In the spring of 1820 he joined the Hudson’s Bay Company as a clerk and
was posted to Île-à-la-Crosse (Sask.). The following year HBC governor
George Simpson sent him to the Columbia district, on the Pacific
northwest coast, under chief factors John Haldane and John Dugald
Cameron. He was instructed to prepare an inventory of the goods at the
NWC posts acquired by the merger of the NWC and the HBC in March 1821,
and then he served as accountant at Fort George. In 1826 he took charge
of Thompson’s River Post (Kamloops, B.C.) and in the fall of that year
he explored the Thompson River to its junction with the Fraser,
accompanied by the Okanagan chief Nicola [Hwistesmetxē'qen]. From his
observations he prepared a map of the region which delineated for the
first time drainage patterns and contours.
McDonald was promoted chief trader in January 1828 and travelled east
with Edward Ermatinger* in the spring to attend the Northern Department
council meeting at York Factory. On the return journey to the west
coast, McDonald accompanied Governor Simpson, who was proceeding west
for a tour of inspection. Typical of all of Simpson’s travels, this
voyage was completed in exceptional time: the 3,261-mile trip from York
to Fort Langley (B.C.), following the northern route from Cumberland
House (Sask.), across the Methy Portage (Portage La Loche, Sask.), down
the Clearwater River, up the Peace, and finally down the Fraser River,
was completed in 90 days. The party ran the treacherous rapids of the
Fraser, including the lower section that Simon Fraser* had not attempted
in 1808.
At Fort Langley, McDonald took over the direction of the post from James
McMillan. He remained there until 1833, conducting a trade with the
coastal Indians in competition with American maritime traders and
diversifying the activity of the post by some agricultural production
and by the drying and packing of salmon and the cutting of lumber, both
for shipment to the Columbia district’s headquarters at Fort Vancouver
(Vancouver, Wash.). In 1833 he left Fort Langley and established Fort
Nisqually (near Tacoma, Wash.) before heading east to York Factory in
1834 and then on to Great Britain for a year’s furlough.
McDonald was back in the Columbia in 1835, and took charge of Fort
Colvile (near Colville, Wash.). Built by John Work* in 1825–26, Fort
Colvile was important for its farming operations. When McDonald took
over, there were more than 200 acres under cultivation, and in 1837 he
noted that the three cows and three pigs brought to the post in 1826 had
multiplied to 55 and 150 respectively. He developed the farm on a large
scale, contributing provisions for the HBC posts to the north and after
1839 for the Russian American Company, based at Sitka (Alaska). He was
promoted chief factor in 1841.
In September 1844, plagued by ill health, McDonald set off for
retirement in Lower Canada with his wife and six youngest children;
another was born en route. They wintered at Fort Edmonton, where in May
1845, before resuming their journey, three young sons died of scarlet
fever. McDonald and his family stayed in Montreal for three years and
then, in 1848, settled on a comfortable farm by the Ottawa River, near
St Andrews. McDonald played an active role in local affairs, serving as
justice of the peace and surveyor, and in 1849 he led a delegation from
Argenteuil protesting the provisions of the Rebellion Losses Bill to the
governor-in-chief, Lord Elgin [Bruce*], in Montreal. In January 1853,
after a few days’ illness, McDonald died at his home, Glencoe Cottage.
During his years in the Columbia district, McDonald had demonstrated a
lively interest in the collection of scientific specimens. He
corresponded with the British Museum, the Royal Horticultural Society,
and Kew Gardens (London), sending botanical, geological, and animal
specimens from the region. He met the British botanist David Douglas* at
Fort Vancouver in 1825 and helped in the collection of the impressive
selection of plants and seeds that Douglas carried back to England.
Another botanist, the German Karl Andreas Geyer, passed the winter of
1843–44 in McDonald’s company at Fort Colvile. In September 1844
McDonald discovered the silver deposit on Kootenay Lake which was later
developed as the Bluebell Mine.
Alert, industrious, a man of broad interests, McDonald had a facile pen
and left a large body of journals and correspondence which provides
valuable information on the native tribes he lived among during his
quarter century in the west. His descriptions of family life at remote
fur-trade posts are among the few accounts available to social
historians, and his papers are rich in documentation on plant and animal
life as well as on the early efforts in agriculture, lumbering, and
fisheries in the Pacific northwest.
Jean Murray Cole
See also
Volume 4
No. 2
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