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The Maple Leaf Canadian Recipe Book (pdf)
Canadian Recipes (pdf)
Carry On Canada Cook Book
Compiled and Published by The Members of the Wildey Rebekah Lodge No. 107, Medicine Hat, Alberta (1941) (pdf)
Holiday Recipes
By the Little Potato Company (pdf)
Canadian Cook Book
By Nellie Lyle Pattinson, Director of Domestic Science, Eighth Edition (1936) (pdf)
Leftover Questions
Ali isn’t a big fan of, you know, those less-than-perfect things in the fridge. But where she sees wilted celery, her grandma sees a way to stop wasting food.

Our family’s Christmas gift to you
The Better than Bailey’s Holiday Recipe from the Poilievre family

Sourdough Beginners Guide
By Second Spring (pdf)
The Celtic Kitchen
2024 edition (pdf)

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