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New Voyages to North America
By the Baron Lahontan, Second edition in two volumes (1735) to which is added an Introduction and biography

Containing an Account of the several Nations of that vast Continent; their Customs, Commerce, and Way of Navigation upon the Lakes and Rivers; the several Attempts of the English and French to dispossess one another; with the Reasons of the Miscarriage of the former; and the various Adventures between the French, and the Iroquese Confederates of England, from 1683 to 1694. A Geographical Description of Canada, and a Natural History of the Country, with Remarks upon their Government, and the Interest of the English and French in their Commerce. Also a Dialogue between the Author and a General of the Savages, giving a full View of the Religion and strange Opinions of those People: With an Account of the Author’s Retreat to Portugal and Denmark, and his Remarks on those Courts. To which is added, A Dictionary of the Algonkine Language, which is generally spoke in North-America. Illustrated with Twenty-Three Maps and Cuts. Written in French By the Baron Lahontan, Lord Lieutenant of the French Colony at Placentia in Newfoundland, at that Time in England. Done into English, the second edition in two volumes (1735)

Electric Scotland Note: At the end of volume 1 we have added an Introduction and biography of the author from another edition of this work.

Volume 1  |  Volume 2

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