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Report of the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples 1996
In 5 volumes, e-book edition 2013

Volume 1 - Looking Forward Looking Back

1 - Getting Started
2 - From Time Immemorial: A Demographic Profile

Part One: The Relationship in Historical Perspective
3 - Conceptions of History
4 - Stage One: Separate Worlds
5 - Stage Two: Contact and Co-operation
6 - Stage Three: Displacement and Assimilation
7 - Stage Four: Negotiation and Renewal

Part Two: False Assumptions and a Failed Relationship
8 - Introduction
9 - The Indian Act
10 - Residential Schools
11 - Relocation of Aboriginal Communities
12 - Veterans
13 - Conclusions

Part Three: Building the Foundations of a Renewed Relationship
14 - The Turning Point
15 - Rekindling the Fire
16 - The Principles of a Renewed Relationship

Appendix A The Commission’s Terms of Reference
Appendix B Biographical Notes on Commissioners
Appendix C Abridged Tables of Contents, Volumes 2-5
Appendix D The Royal Proclamation of 1763
Appendix E Summary of Recommendations in Volume 1

Volume 2 - Restructuring the Relationship

Part One
1 - Introduction
2 - Treaties
3 - Governance

Part Two
4 - Lands and Resources
5 - Economic Development
6 - Conclusion

Appendix A: Summary of Recommendations in Volume 2, Parts One and Two
Appendix B: Abridged Tables of Contents

Volume 3 - Gathering Strength

1- New Directions in Social Policy
2 - The Family
3 - Health and Healing
4 - Housing
5 - Education
6 - Arts and Heritage
7 - Conclusion

Appendix A: Summary of Recommendations in Volume 3
Appendix B: Abridged Tables of Contents, Volumes 1, 2, 4 and 5

Volume 4 - Perspectives and Realities

1 - Introduction
2 - Women's Perspectives
3 - Elders' Perspectives
4 - The Search for Belonging: Perspectives of Youth
5 - Métis Perspectives
6 - The North
7 - Urban Perspectives

Appendix A: Summary of Recommendations, Volume 4
Appendix B: Abridged Tables of Contents Volumes 1-3 and Volume 5

Volume 5 - Renewal: A Twenty-Year Commitment

1 - Laying the Foundations of a Renewed Relationship
2 - Economic Disparities, Government Expenditures and the Cost of the Status Quo
3 - The Commission's Strategy as a Good Investment
4 - Public Education: Building Awareness and Understanding
5 - Constitutional Amendment: The Ultimate Challenge

Appendix A: Summary of Recommendations, Volumes 1-5
Appendix B: Tables of Contents, Volumes 1-5
Appendix C: How We Fulfilled Our Mandate
Appendix D: Research Studies Prepared for the Commission
Appendix E: Ethical Guidelines for Research
Appendix F: Research Advisory Committee Members
Appendix G: Commission Publications
Appendix H: Commission Staff and Advisers
Appendix I: About the Logo

Researcher defends residential schools
Courtesy CBC, Richard Foot, National Post, March 17, 2001

Backgrounder, Frontier Centre for Public Policy September 2024
Positive Stories about Residential Schools must also be heard By Hymie Rubenstein and James C. McCrae (pdf)

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