The story of human life
on this continent is a brief because a recent one : the same may be said
of the record of its literature. Unlike the Old World, we have had no
longer centuries of rich and varied culture, and but few periods of
bitter passion and strife to call forth, in intellectual expression, the
energies, the heroism, and the national pride of the people. The field
for the display of these national qualities has hitherto not been
literature. On this side the Atlantic we lack even the diversified
physical structure of the Old World continents, with the differentiation
which a strongly-marked geography produces in mental and other racial
characteristics. On the European continent men necessarily fell into
variety, either from the isolation imposed by geographical barriers, or
from the separating influences of climate, language, or creed. In the
New World, accident,
caprice, or local attractiveness in scenery and climate, have led to
settlement here and there, and to the growth of the communities which
now inhabit it. But with the exception of the Province of Quebec, the
various colonies- that have planted themselves from time to time in the
northern portions at least of the New World, though they have retained
no little of their original characteristics, have not perpetuated them
in their alien aggressiveness. In great measure, these communities have
become assimilated and taken on more or less of a common type. This is
perhaps accounted for by the fact that the members composing them came
here in the main as peaceful colonists, and not, as in Old World
instances, as conquering peoples, with a well-marked and dominating
national force. The blending of nationalities in peaceful pursuits on
this continent is one of the happiest circumstances in its history, and
with the adoption of a common language, with the traditions as well as
the civilization which that language represents, this fusion must in
time greatly contribute to the dominion of the race and have a powerful
influence on its literature.
The physiography of North America, though it has its regional
diversities, is characteristically as simple as the European continent
is varied. In this respect it is better fitted for man, though it must
fail in creating those rich and diversified physical and mental types
which we see in the Old World. With the exception of the mediterranean
seas which lie between Canada and the neighbouring States, the continent
is undivided,, and, save on its western flank, is marked by little
physical variety. The lack of variety in physical conformation of the
inhabited portions of the continent has its counterpart in the people.
The human types are little diversified, and the mental characteristics;
if not altogether uniform, correspond very closely to the same model.
Nor have the political divisions produced . much contrariety, and the
little that has existed is every day yielding to the influences of
travel and social and commercial intercourse. Even when the communities
were isolated and far apart, there was not much divergence in habits and
thought, beyond that which differentiates inland communities from
maritime, and marks off a provincial and rural people from those that
live in towns and acquire cosmopolitan manners and tastes. Nor among the
inhabitants of the continent do we find much mental diversity,- save
that which distinguishes the forest from the prairie Indians, or is
connected with minor variations from the general structural affinity of
the tribal languages.
Almost the sole exception to the prevailing mental uniformity on the
continent is to be found, as we have hinted, in Lower Canada, now the
Province of Quebec. There circumstances, the result in the main of the
racial and religious privileges granted to French-Canadians at the
Conquest, have created and maintained a distinct—we might almost say an
alien—people, cherishing their peculiar habits and customs, with their
own national aspirations, language, and creed. Proud of their French
origin, of their descent from the old noblesse, of the days of the Grand
Monarque, or from the hardy seamen of Normandy and Brittany, and
inheritors of the fame and the traditions of the original discoverers
and first colonizers of the country, they cling tenaciously as a people
to their own institutions, their language, and their laws. Their
sectional isolation, we can hardly disguise from ourselves, is an
untoward thing for Canadian Confederation, and the unifying and welding
together of the various British communities which twenty years ago set
out on a nationward path under a Federal Government. Nor is the evil
rendered less noxious by racial jealousy, religious cleavage, and
intermittent sectional hostility ; though Party and a Party Press is
perhaps more responsible for this than are our French-Canadian
compatriots. Ominous in a national sense as the fact is, however, this
survival of Old France in the New World is a rather pleasing break in
the racial monotony of the American continent, and gives the charm of
variety to the mental habits and national characteristics of the people.
But a more important and not less gratifying feature in the case is
this, that it has given to Canada a distinctive, as well as an early,
literature,—all the more interesting as it has preserved an Old World
flavour, and, while drawing its inspiration in large measure from the
Motherland, has made fresh distillations of culture and civilization in
the colony.
The volume and wealth of French-Canadian literature are facts too little
known to English-speaking Canada, and, it is to be feared, are but
little noted by our literary men themselves. Were its resources as well
as its merits better known and recognized, the fact could hardly fail to
excite a friendly and helpful rivalry in the domain of letters, and aid
in promoting that entente cordiale between the two peoples, without
which there can be no national fusion, and but little material, and less
intellectual, advancement. Nor would the least of its influence be felt
in the sphere of politics, and in the wider and more beneficent fields
of social and commercial intercourse. What a mine the historian Parkman
has found in th6 early history of Canada, and how replete it is with all
the materials of romance, there is to-day no need to point out. In our
indifference other American writers are entering upon the field; and
already many of the localities in Quebec and the Maritime Provinces,
with their rich histories and fascinating legends, are fast passing into
literature through the medium of a foreign pen. It is perhaps not too
much to say that it is from the pages of Ho wells "Wedding Journey" and
"A Chance Acquaintance" that our people are first apprised of the
beauties of Quebec and the St. Lawrence; while of the local writers,
Hawkins and Le Moine, they probably never have heard. The same may be
said of the liquid chasm of the Saguenay, of the rude GaspS coast, and
of historic Cape Breton, the Isle Royale of Louis Quatorze, and the
long-contested prize of Britain and France. What we know of Grand Pre
and the fateful story of the expulsion of the Acadians we know from
Longfellow's Evangeline and the historical corrective of Parkman's
"Montcalm and Wolfe." So with other dramatic incidents in the whole
region of Acadia, and with those delightful descriptions of scenery with
which American writers, such as Charles Hallock in "The Fishing
Tourist," Charles Dudley Warner in "Baddeck and That Sort of Thing," and
Henry D. Thoreau in "A Yankee in Canada," have made us pleasantly
acquainted. It is to the poet Stedman (see his Lord's-Day Gale) we turn
to read the stirring account of the terrible storm which swept the Cape
Breton coast and the Gulf of the St. Lawrence, in August, 1873, and
wrecked hundreds of the fishing craft of Gloucester, Maine. To Whittier,
also, must we look for the poetical version of that old legend of the
Massachusetts coast, which gained for Skipper Ireson the maledictions,
with tarring and feathering, of the irate women of Marblehead for
deserting a sinking fishing-smack in the Bay of Chaleur.
"Small pity for him!—He sailed away From a leaking ship in Chaleur Bay,—
Sailed away from a sinking wreck, With his own town's people on her
deck! 'Lay by! lay by!' they called to him; Back he answered, 'Sink or
swim! Brag of your catch of fish again!' And off he sailed through the
fog and rain."
Gradually, however, our writers are directing their attention to the
rich stores of history, legend, and adventure in their own country, and
are more and more seeking in native fields themes for their pen and the
inspiration that should come, and must best come, from local sources.
Already we have no little to boast of in the literature of both
languages; and were public appreciation of native literary undertakings
more hearty and pronounced, and the pecuniary rewards more substantial,
the field would be still more fully occupied. Each year the area widens
which is treated of by native writers, historical and descriptive ; and
each year, also, sees the various interesting periods of the native
history more fully discussed, and the social and political questions of
the past made subjects of keener criticism and of ampler elucidation. In
proof of this, we might point to the single instance of our great
North-West domain, which has attracted the pens, we are quite within the
mark in saying, of at least a hundred writers, who have published as
many treatises and brochures on the country and its resources, since the
region passed from out the gloom and desolation of the period of the Fur
Traders into the brighter day of colonization and settlement. Like
gratifying facts- might be adduced with regard to the older Provinces,
their past history and social and industrial development; while various
phases in their intellectual and moral progress are now becoming
subjects of interesting study and of critical examination. The number of
works is now large, and is yearly increasing, on such incidents in our
history as the Conquest, the War of 1812, the period of the rule of the
Family Compact', the Rebellion of 1837, the later story of
Confederation, with the politics, local and general, of recent times.
The national biography is also being annually enlarged, and the
interesting portraiture of those who have patriotically devoted
themselves to the public service of the young nation, has become, or is
fast becoming, both more familiar and more real to us. ISTor into the
sterner field of science have our students and writers been slow to
penetrate. A glance through the four volumes of the "Transactions" of
the Royal Society of Canada, or through the "Journals" and annual
publications of the various other scientific institutions of the
Dominion, not to speak of the many important separate treatises by our
local savants, will emphasize this fact. A like industry and public
spirit characterizes our literary workers in other fields; though our
people are slow to recognize the fact, and chary in their acknowledgment
of it. What is wanted to help our nascent Canadian literature is a
greater infusion into it of patriotic feeling, and, among the people, a
wider diffusion of national sentiment. Through no influence more potent
than literature and the literary spirit can the nationalizing of the
Dominion effectively operate. Nothing will better contribute to the
welding process, or be more efficient in bringing about homogeneity, and
the consolidating influences the country so urgently needs, than a
healthy native literature and an ardent national sentiment. With these,
and due encouragement to their exercise, we may see the various
Provinces of the Dominion knit more closely together in the bonds of a
common nationality, and sectionalism and disruptive influences dispelled
as things of alien growth.
But we must not conceal from ourselves our weakness. We are a young and,
as yet, far from a self-reliant people. For our own good, it is to be
feared, we have been too long in a state of pupilage and of dependence,
intellectual as well as political, upon others. This has bred not only
distrust of ourselves, but disesteem of our literature. There is no need
to quarrel with the pessimism which affirms that Canada has no
literature. In a sense, the statement is true; for of a distinctively
native literature, on its English side, it has as yet little. We do not
say this as a concession to popular ignorance or prejudice, but as a
fact, the frank admission of which may be helpful to native letters. Yet
the number of books written on and in Canada is large; how large it
would surprise many people to know. The present writer has had frequent
occasion to compile a list of Canadian publications and works relating
to Canada, and in his time has made many more or less ambitious
collections. The extent of the list has always been a marvel to him, and
he may be permitted to say that no Canadian, at least, should be
unfamiliar with much that it comprises. There is scarcely a department
of thought in it that is not represented, though it is specially rich in
the materials for history; and the current additions to the list are by
no means meagre. While this is the case, we constantly hear the
statement that English Canada has no literature; and before going
further it might be well to see just what it has. What is it, then, we
classify in our libraries under native authors, and why give it so much
space if it does not rank as literature 1 We shall best answer the
question by taking a look at our book-shelves, or by directing the
reader to the pages that follow. Here is one devoted to Canadian history
and travels. True, the French portion overshadows the English; but it is
no less national or lacking in the literary quality. But if objection is
taken to its citation, we shall pass by our Champlain, Charlevoix,
Lescarbot, Sagard, La Hontan, Hennepin, and Le Clerq, with their modern
congeners Garneau, Ferland, Faillon, Tasse, Turcotte, LeMoine, Chauveau,
Suite, Yerreau, Casgrain, Tanguay, and St. Maurice—names that confer
distinction upon Canada, and whose authors have earned the right of
admission into the temple of literary fame. But before leaving tliis
section let us note what a field there is here for the translator, and
how much profitable work might be done in rendering into English those
interesting records of early French travel and discovery which, so far,
have not been translated—despite the plums Parkman has abstracted for
his brilliant historical narratives. It is not creditable to Canadian
literary industry that, as yet, we have no English translation of the
Relations des Jesuites, of Sagard's or Lescarbot's works on Nouvelle
France, or of many other instructive histories and monographs of the
French period.
Let us now turn to the English division of the same department. And here
every section of the country, and almost every period of its life, are
dealt with. A mere string of names will convey little; but those
familiar with the work which the following list of authors represents
will admit that it counts for much in the sum of our Anglo-Canadian
literature:—Auchinleck, Bouchette, Bourinot, Bryce, Canniff, Christie,
Coffin, Collins, Dawson, Davin, Dent, Fleming, Gait, Gourlay, Gray,
Grant, Haliburton, He riot, Hargrave, Head, Hincks, Howison, Hind,
Hodgins, Howe, Kirby, Leggo, Lesperance, Lindsey, McGee, Martin, Morris,
Morgan, Murray, Macoun, Mackenzie, McGregor, MacMullen, Machar, Rattray,
Ryerson, Reade, Sandham, Scadding, Smith, Stewart, Talbot, Taylor,
Thompson, Todd, Watson, Withrow, Wilson, and Young.
In this obviously incomplete list, we make no mention of authors outside
history and kindred topics, who have published works in other
departments, or graced Canadian literature by minor contributions from
their pen. Nor have we cited authors in the professions—of education,
journalism, law, medicine, science, and theology—who have issued
text-books, treatises, manuals, works of practice, etc., or made
important contributions to the journals, periodicals and transactions of
their respective professions. Nor have we referred to our poets and
writers of fiction, or to the mass of printed matter, in pamphlets and
brochures, which claims recognition as "Canadiana," and a respectable
amount of which, as fact or criticism, we hold, belongs, if not to
literature, to something closely akin to it. Yet with all this material,
it is slightingly said that Canada has no literature—and no history.
When, may we ask, shall we get rid of this denationalizing habit of
discrediting the past 1 No Canadian history 1 Why, the past is full of
it; not, it may be, on any great scale, with "blare of trumpet and beat
of drum," but^in that grander movement of the country's industrial and
social life, which has made of the wilderness a cultivated garden, and
brought peace and plenty to a thriving and enlightened people. No
literature 1 With poets such as Reade, Roberts, Sangster, Mair, Phillips
Stewart, and George Martin among men, and McLean, Machar (Fidelis),
Crawford, Duncan (Garth Grafton), Harrison, (Seranus), Rothwell, and
Wetherald among women. With novelists such as Kirby and Lesperance. With
scientists such as Logan, Dawson, Wilson, Bell, Selwyn, and Sterry Hunt.
With orators, publicists, essayists, and miscellaneous writers, such as
McGee, Howe, Haliburton, Grant. Todd, Lindsey, Griffin, Stewart, Le
Sueur. Rattray, and Gold win Smith. Have these men and women laboured in
vain, and given nothing to the intellectual life of their country that
is tit to be called literature ! Only ignorance will dare assert that.
But the truth has to be qualified. We hac-e a literature, or, to be
critical, the fair beginnings, at least, of one. How much of it is known
to those who ought to know it, we shall not dare say. If there is
ignorance of it, let us not be told that it doesn't exist. It is bad
enough to hear the question asked, " Who reads a Canadian book in
England!" but how much more discouraging is it to reflect how few are
the readers of a native work in Canada. And here is the trouble : if we
have not the literature we desire and might have, it is because to such
as we have we extend scant favour. This attitude, if maintained, can
only retard its progress, dwarf the national spirit, and depress the
literary calling. On the other hand, were Canadian literature
encouraged, it would take a more prominent place among the intellectual
agents of the higher life in Canada; interests and sympathies, now
dormant, would be aroused; and a more distinctively national and higher
literary work would be created. To this end, let us first silence the
depreciators, and pay fitting respect to the literary toilers of the
past. To the young Canadian who wants to know his country's history and
light the flame of his patriotism, we would ask him to become acquainted
with his country's authors and take stock of their literary
achievements. When he has got that length, it will be time to hear of
limits and defects.
And now, briefly, for the qualifications, which, however, do not excuse
the prevailing lack of interest. That the latter exists is shown by the
comparatively few readers even Parkman has among the Canadian public. If
this brilliant writer, dealing with the most dramatic incidents in
Canadian history, can command but a select body of readers, what chance,
it may be asked, has the average Canadian writer! Yet the truth must be
told, that, with all the writers we have enumerated, we have little
either of an attractive or of a distinctively native literature. It we
except Parkman, the written records of our history familiar to the
Canadian reader are few and uninviting. Nor is the reason far to seek;
for, in large measure, if the material of these records is interesting,
the style is bad. The ground, admittedly, wants going over again, and
our history re-presented with the graces of modern literary art. But two
essentials are necessary to this being done—the qualified writer and the
appreciative public. For lack of these—and both we might have—how much
is being lost! Men and events of the greatest national interest are
suffered to fall into oblivion, for want of the skill and industry to
transfer them to the modern canvas, and the public spirit to reward the
toiler when he has performed his task. Nor is it in the field of
political action alone that we want the writers; but rather in that of
Canada's social and industrial life. Here is our romantic material, and
the source from which we might draw our picturesque narratives, and the
makings of a literature that shall be distinctively national.
And how abundant is the material! Every township has its rich tale to
tell of early settlement and toilsome pioneering work, and every section
of the country its own chequered annals and distinctive life. Yet few
are the gleaners in the field, while the elder folk are fast passing
away from whose lips the story might be taken down to pass into some
famous epic, drama, or history. With a little more public encouragement,
what possibilities are before our Canadian writers, and how much our
literature might be enriched ! In the past history of Canadian thought
and action, we have been sowing but the seed-grain of a harvest that
shall bear good fruit, and in which the labourers, we trust, shall not
be few. To hasten that coming time, let us take greater interest in the
intellectual past and present, and hold its product in more esteem. Then
there will be no question of our having a literature, and no lack of
writers, racy of the soil, whose work shall bring grace and repute to
Canadian letters. |