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Contact Us

This site is owned by Electric Scotland USA LLC and Alastair McIntyre.

You can contact the owner at...

Alastair McIntyre GOTJ, FSA Scot
Electric Scotland USA LLC
167 Raleigh St
N7M 2N4

Tel: 519 351 7020
Email me here!

I would hope that this might become a collaboration site in that folk visiting would get involved by providing information for other visitors to enjoy. 

For example I'd like to provide some great pictures of Canada so if you have some great scenic pictures of either your area of Canada or took some pictures on a holiday then I'd love to include them on the site. 

It's possible you might work in an Industrial or Commercial sector in Canada and be in a position to tell me about it or indeed if you have family, friends or colleagues that can help perhaps tell them about the site and suggest they get involved.. 

It's possible you might have a humour story about Canada or Canadians which we could add to our humour section and if you are a Canadian artist perhaps tell me about yourself and provide a link to a video you've produced on YouTube. 

Also feel free to use our material by linking to specific pages to enhance your own offerings from your own web site.  As I've already done the work why duplicate it?

I look forward to hearing from you.

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